Tube Amp Forum: The Ultimate Tone

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After all these years, reading the books, I have joined the forum.  I have built several of the TUT amps, modded more, installed SV1 and 2 and bias kits and built a couple of audio amps (PP and SE) based on and from POP.  Also have read (and built a few projects from) glass audio, audioxpress and VTV.  And I really enjoy this as a hobby.  

Presently building the ToT amp on 2 chassis to enable easy, easy mod and experimentation.  Power supply and PA on the bottom chassis and the pre mounted above, with the hammond chassis cover on top and 12AX7 under.  I also sold my most used combo, bought a 2x12 sealed pine cab on ePay and am loading with 1 driver (taking the idea described in SPKR).  I did not opt for a Force12.  like to hear one in it though.

Welcome to the forum! I too never tried an EV force. They were a little before my time and don't think they are made anymore....
Welcome aboard!