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Question about Applying SUS-2 to See-saw Inverter
Interesting...thanks! The first solution sounds the most intuitive to me but I might try the standard SUS connection just to see what it does.

I did this on a similar amp several years ago but I'd didn't try those connections. If I remember correctly that amp had a 6SJ7 pentode for the first pre-amp tube so it had lots gain. In that one I ended up with adding a grid-leak to the input of splitter which worked OK. I imagine with less gain like how I'm planning on doing now that won't work that well.

In a related topic adding a Body control to this type of splitter is really effective! That was my latest experiment with the see-saw.

Once I try a few connections of the SUS I'll report back.

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RE: Question about Applying SUS-2 to See-saw Inverter - by makinrose - 05-05-2019, 02:33 AM

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