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Hello World!

I'm a physics student, and in order to develop electronics skills I'm working on learning the design and modification of tube amplifiers. Figure it'll be easier to sink the time and effort into something if I enjoy it. Found the books while researching how the Orange Dual Dark's "attenuator" (PPIMV, apparently) and switched power scaling works. Right now I'm working through TUT in order to modify a 5W monoprice amp into something more along my Orange-leaning high-gain tastes. Looking forward to interacting with everyone, and glad to see that there is a forum dedicated to the books.

Hi physics

Welcome to the forum.

Sheldon said, "I'm a physicist; I know everything". I suppose as a student you only know most of everything Smile

I know nothing compared to what there is to know, although philosophers say we all know everything but cannot always access it. Or a paraphrase: We all know everything except we do not know we know everything (which would seem to contradict itself)

Have fun
(10-17-2022, 11:15 AM)K O'Connor Wrote: Hi physics

Welcome to the forum.

Sheldon said, "I'm a physicist; I know everything". I suppose as a student you only know most of everything Smile

I know nothing compared to what there is to know, although philosophers say we all know everything but cannot always access it. Or a paraphrase: We all know everything except we do not know we know everything (which would seem to contradict itself)

Have fun

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Quote:Sheldon said, "I'm a physicist; I know everything". I suppose as a student you only know most of everything

I'm reminded of this excellent web comic regarding the hubris of physicists:

Quote:We all know everything except we do not know we know everything (which would seem to contradict itself)

The philosophers seem to have come a long way since Socrates' statement that he knows he knows nothing.

Quote:Have fun

Looking forward to it! See you around.
Yes welcome!

Ah yeah, Orange... beautiful...

Someone once said this: take a napkin and draw a circle on it. That is what you know.
So the edge is what you don't know.
Now make the circle bigger because you learned more.
Wow, the egde is far biggr now!

XKCD is fantastic, here is the obligatory:

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Come in where it's warm!
A warm welcome to tube amp modding fans and those interested in hi-fi audio! Readers of Kevin O'Connor's The Ultimate Tone (TUT) book series form a part of our population. Kevin O'Connor is the creator of the popular Power Scaling methodology for amplifiers.
Please remember these three principles: respect, sharing, community.
Not familiar with The Ultimate Tone book series? See discussion topics, or click here to visit London Power/Power Press Publishing.

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