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G'day all.

I am somewhat of a muso tragic and I started seriously looking for the ultimate tone just over 15 years ago. Probably longer than that but that's when I got more serious about it. I'd been struggling with a decent sound for 15 years for before that, even though I did have some excellent equipment along the way. Would you believe I have sold an old Marshall cab filled with 4 ten inch greenbacks that would likely be 40-50 years old by now, a blackface Princeton (before Fender did reissues of it) among other things. If I had only known what I had in my hands... c'est la vie.
I'm pretty sure the actual impetus to amp building was when I had a Soldano GTO pedal which was horrendously loud (pretty useless to me also since I'm NOT a high gain guy - but I was young and had no idea what I was back then). I took it to a repair guy to 'fix' it. After looking at it he said, what it really needs is to 'DC the heaters'. He just casually threw it out there like everyone knows what that means - well not I Sir.
So, I started purchasing 'textbooks' on amplifiers and 'how they work'. I was reading old textbooks but a lot of it was only indirectly related to guitar tube amps -all theoretical application. Kits were ok but I really wanted to know the ins and outs. I finally came across Kevin's books about 15 years ago. I gobbled them up, but nothing is as good as practical application. So, I made the Standard. It worked, which I was amazed and very happy about, but my partner and I moved to a unit close to the city and I no longer had the space to tinker - that was 2011. We are finally moving to a house (I married her too in 2012) and I'll finally have the space to tinker once again.
I've started reading the Tut series all over again - I'd forgotten basically everything. I found this forum because I was looking up details on decoupling stages.
And yes, I figured out how to DC the heaters - but I sold that pedal a long, long time ago.
My day job is a Teacher. I teach mathematics at a 'selective' high school and love linear algebra, differential equations and number theory.


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A warm welcome to tube amp modding fans and those interested in hi-fi audio! Readers of Kevin O'Connor's The Ultimate Tone (TUT) book series form a part of our population. Kevin O'Connor is the creator of the popular Power Scaling methodology for amplifiers.
Please remember these three principles: respect, sharing, community.
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